| Introduction | Background | Characteristics | Powers | Skills | Disadvantages |
BLOK is my Champions character. Champions is the cornerstone of the Hero System Rules by Hero Games. BLOK is what they call a 'Brick': a big dumb tough guy -- 'Thick as a Brick'. In fact, BLOK is based off two of the most popular Bricks of comic lore: the Hulk and the Thing. Just for fun, I threw a bit of Groo in too! BLOK is a lot of fun to play he is in many ways the opposite of my usual paranoid over-thinkers. I know he's a bit 'cheesy', but hey it's 'four-color' superhero comics that we're talking about here -- so lighten up! I'll type this up when I get a chance. The quick summary is: BLOK is a big, black, statue-like humaniod made of some unknown ultra-hard substance. He was 'born' when a meteor crashed in Central Park. He fought Obsidian. He is chased by an X-files-like government organization and UFO media buffs. He fought off an invasion of demons trying to take over the earth. He is really, really, stupid and enjoys walking, talking, and watching TV. He hates flying and is a very down to earth guy -- for a comic alien. Keep him away from Noble Gases and Noble Metal and he is fine, all he asks is to able to explore and fight.
BLOK's Champions Game Statistics
BLOK is designed using the 4th edition Champions / Hero System Rules by Hero Games. This is, IMHO, simply the finest and most flexible games system that I've found. Surprisingly, others even agree with me, at least insofar as the superhero genre is concerned. Some very creative, and very valuable advice was given by certain members of the Hero mailing list (particularly as relates to the duplication multipower which was the most difficult power effect to simulate). When I've had the time to cull through my e-mail archive floppies I'll give the proper credit to those specific individuals. To join the Hero System Mailing List , click on the link (or send e-mail to and enter "subscribe" (without the quotation marks) in the subject line and as the body of the message.
Value CHAR POINTS 15/50 STR 5 25 DEX 45 25 CON 30 25 BODY 30 5 INT -5 25 EGO 30 25 PRE 15 10 COM 0 3/10 PD 0 3/10 ED -2 5 SPD 15 10 REC 4 50 END 0 50 STUN 4 Characteristics Cost: 171
Powers:Alien Anatomy Powers: BLOK is an alien and as such his body is fundamentally different than a human's. BLOK is made of some unknown but ultra-hard substance that can take a phenomenal amount of damage. This 'flesh' is extremely resistant to physical harm, and highly resistant to energy attacks (albeit to a lesser extent); the only real weakness is Noble Metals which, for some odd reason, seem to penetrate the flesh quite easily. BLOK also regenerates but, again strangely, not when in contact with Noble Gasses. BLOK is a solid object and has no blood or internal organs, thus he doesn't bleed and is difficult to injure. His sense of sight, hearing, and 'solid sense' are also highly protected.
Density Increase: 7 Levels.
Shrinking: 1 Level.
Damage Reduction: 75% vs. PD, Resistant.
Hardening: x2 on 10 PD.
Damage Resistance: 10 PD.
Armor: 15 PD.
Damage Resistance: 10 ED.
Damage Reduction: 50% vs ED, Resistant.
Mental Defense: 10 points, As Figured Characteristic.
Damage Reduction: 50% vs Mental.
Regeneration: 1 BODY
Cannot be Stunned
Does Not Bleed
Flash Defense: Sight Group
Flash Defense: Hearing Group
Flash Defense: Unusual Sense Group
Lack Of Weakness: 5 Points
Power Defense: 5 Points
Alien Sensory Package
Modifiers: Only when in contact with the 'Solid Force' (-1/4),
Cannot sense through Noble Gasses beyond trace amounts (-1/4).
Spatial Awareness: "Solid Sense" Again, due to his alien anatomy, BLOK isn't like humans as his body is impervious to many things and environments that would be harmful or fatal to a human: he doesn't eat, sleep, breathe, or age, and is immune to diseases, poisions, radiation, vacuum/pressure, heat/cold, etc. In short not much hurts this juggernaut.
Life Support: doesn't breathe, doesn't eat/sleep/excrete, safe
in vacuum/pressure, safe in radiation, safe in heat/cold,
immune to disease, immune to aging. Movement Powers: BLOK has the unique ability to stick to any solid substance; but this ability is somewhat limited in that solid substance must be in contact with an extremely large amount of solid substance (in the order of billions of tonnes!) and no intervening liquid or gas can come between the solid substance to which BLOK is attempting to adhere to and the main mass of solid substance. BLOK has the ability to stick to the 'SOLID FORCE', what is written above is a layman's explanation of a bizzare physical law that some of earth's most brilliant scientists are unable or unwilling to grasp. In addition to this ability to stick to the SOLID FORCE, BLOK can also walk very quickly (i.e. upto 120 Kph!) without tiring combined with his lack of need for sleep and air he really manages to get around. Furthermore, BLOK can excert himself to move at even faster speeds when he runs he is able to move up to 180 Kph when running, but he tires very quickly from this and can't keep it up for more than the briefest periods of time.
Clinging: "Solid Sticking", +0 STR, Costs END(-1/2), Only when
in contact with the 'Solid Force'(-1/4).
Running: 10", (combat 30kph/non-combat 120kph), x4 Non-Combat,
0 END(+1/2).
Running: +20" (30" total), (combat 90kph/non-combat 180kph), has turn mode (-1/4),
x5 Increased End Cost (-2), 11- Activation (-3/4), burnout . "Building bloks": BLOK can be broken up into smaller 'Bloks' of a variety of combinations so long as the total mass of BLOK/Bloks remains the same at 1,600kg. BLOK may be broken into two Bloks, which may also be broken in half, and then in half again so that up to 8 little 'Bloks' could exist at once! Each of these little guys isn't as powerful as the big guy, but together are still a force to be reckoned with! BLOK can attempt to willingly divide himself into any combination of little 'Bloks' that total 1,600kg but BLOK is still just a baby and not very good at this so he seldom succeeds. More often, BLOK is divided when hit by a powerful physical blow. When this happens BLOK breaks into two equal parts, and each of those parts in turn will break in half if/when they are hit by a suitably powerful physical blow. The strange thing is that, when the division is involuntary, all the little 'Bloks' divide up at the same time even if only one of them was hit! E.G. BLOK is hit and is broken into two, one of these two is hit and broken into two; but instead of there being 1 + 2 = 3 Bloks there are 4 little 'Bloks' as the second Blok breaks in half when the first one is hit; likewise, if any of these 4 are hit by a powerful of enough a blow they all will divide and then there will be 8 of the little 'Bloks'. I know it sounds complicated, and is hard to explain, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Multipower with a 160 Point Reserve.
Mind Link: "BLOK and all bloks share same mind", related
group, x8 # Of Minds.
Desolidification: "BLOK Ceases to exist physically when bloks exist".
Anatomic Alteration: Multipower with a 50 Point Reserve.
Entangle: 4d6. Powers Cost: 629
Breakfall: 14-
Combat Skill Levels: 6 Levels with: Haymaker, Move-by, Move-Through (tight group)
Universal Translator: 11-
Lang: Blokonian, native
Lang: English
KS: TV 10-, (INT based)
Area Knowledge (AK): Planet Earth 11-
AK: North American Continental Solid Surface 11-
AK: New York State 11-
AK: New York City 11-
AK: Central Park (Hatching Place) 11-
AK: Florida State 11-
AK: Miami City 11-
AK: Bermuda Triangle Solid Surface 11-
AK: Atlantic Ocean Solid Surface 11-
AK: Pacific Ocean Solid Surface 11-
AK: Arctic Ocean Solid Surface 11- Skills Cost: included in powers cost.
Accidental Change: Divides when takes BODY damage, common, occur 11-.
Enraged: attempted removal from the 'Solid Force', uncommon, occur 14-,
recover 11-.
Dependence: "on 'Solid Force' (3d6 END Drain)", very common, per segment, 3D6.
Distinctive Features: "Blok", concealable, major.
Hunted: "Dept. of Extra-terrestial Affairs": as powerful, mild, appear 8-.
Hunted:"Dread Wraiths", as powerful, non-combat influence, harsh, appear 8-.
Watched: "UFO/Media Buffs", less powerful, mild, appear 8-.
Watched: "Star Knights": less powerful, mild, appear 8-.
Physical Limitation: "No Sense of Smell", infrequently, slightly.
Physical Limitation: "No Sense of Taste", infrequently, slightly.
Physical Limitation: "Colourblind", infrequently, slightly.
Psychological Limitation: "Fear of loosing contact with the 'Solid Force'",
uncommon, strong.
Psychological Limitation: "Hatred of Dread Wraiths", uncommon, total.
Public ID: "Planet Wrecked Alien Orphan Brick".
Rivalry: "Obsidian", professional.
Susceptibility: "contact with Noble Gasses beyond trace
amounts (END)", uncommon, per segment, 3D6.
Vulnerability: "to attacks with Noble Metals", uncommon, x2 STUN.
Vulnerability: "To Attacks with Noble Metals", uncommon, x2 BODY.
Vulnerability: "conversational persuasion", common, x2 effect.
Mystery/other disadvantages: Nasty surprises for the GM to spring on me!. Disadvantages Total: 250
Point Totals:
Base Points: 275