Hierax |
Hero |
Star |
Dune |
Draft Version 0.3 |
======================================================================= DUNE: HERO SYSTEM CONVERSIONS ======================================================================= --------------------------------------------- 1.0 CHARACTERISITICS (ATTRIBUTES & EDGES) --------------------------------------------- ---- ---- --- ----- --------------- HERO ICON D20 GURPS Notes & Meaning ---- ---- --- ----- --------------- 0 0 0 0 1 0+1 1 1 2 1-2 2 2 3 0+2 3 3 4 1-1 4 4 5 1 5 5 Weak Ability 6 1+1 6 6 7 2-2 7 7 8 1+2 8 8 9 2-1 9 9 10 2 10 10 Normal, Average Ability 11 2+1 11 11 12 3-2 12 11 13 2+2 13 12 14 3-1 14 12 15 3 15 13 Superior Ability 16 3+1 16 13 17 4-2 17 14 18 3+2 17 14 19 4-1 18 15 20 4 18 15 NCM, Formidable Ability 21 4+1 19 16 22 5-2 19 16 23 4+2 20 17 24 5-1 20 17 25 5 21 18 Legendary Ability 26 5+1 21 18 27 6-2 21 18 28 5+2 22 19 29 6-1 22 19 30 6 23 20 ACM, Peak of Human Potential ---- ---- --- ----- --------------- HERO ICON D20 GURPS Notes & Meaning ---- ---- --- ----- --------------- ------------------------------------------ Design Notes for Characteristic Conversion ------------------------------------------ Since the Average Human Attribute in ICON is 2 and the Average Human Characteristic (CHA) in HERO is 10, each point of ICON Attribute would equal 5 points of HERO CHA. Furthermore, the "Attribute Scale" for LUG's ICON DUNE (p.60) fits this very well with my idea of the HERO CHA Absolute Characteristic Maxima (ACM) being 30. Both of these neatly work out with the HERO System's tendency to have CHA with break points at multiples of 5 (e.g., for Skill and CHA rolls). ICON Attributes cost 3 each and Edges cost 1 each. I've established that each point of ICON Attributes equate to 5 points of HERO CHA, so ICON Edges should equate to 1.67 HERO CHA (5/3). Therefore, I just drop the fractions and use each +1 Edge being equal to +1 Hero CHA (5/3=1.67) and each +2 Edge equal to +3 HERO CHA (5/3=1.67x2=3.3); likewise, each -1 Edge equals a -1 HERO CHA, and each -2 Edge equals a -3 HERO CHA. This allows for a full range of characteristics which also has edge bonuses fall neatly along the other HERO system break point of 3. The conversion for D20 is taken from my "Grey Hero" project, and the GURPS conversin from my "Hyborian Hero" project to offer further perspective to the other Dune fans who use the D20 and GURPS systems. -------------------------------- 2.0 SKILLS & SPECIALIZATIONS -------------------------------- ------------ ------------------ ----- ----- HERO ICON D20 GURPS +CSL Roll Skill (Specialize) Skill Skill ------------ ------------------ ----- ----- WF 8- 1 +1 +0 +1 10- 1(2) +2 +1 +2 11- 2, 1(3) +4 +2 +3 12- 2(3), 1(4) +6 +3 +4 13- 3, 2(4), 1(5) +8 +4 +5 14- 3(4), 2(5), 1(6) +10 +5 +6 15- 4, 3(5), 2(6) +12 +6 +7 16- 4(5), 3(6) +14 +7 +8 17- 5, 4(6) +16 +8 +9 18- 5(6) +18 +9 +10 19- 6 +20 +10 ------------ ------------------ ----- ----- HERO ICON D20 GURPS +CSL Roll Skill (Specialize) Skill Skill ------------ ------------------ ----- ----- --------------------------------- Design Notes for Skill Conversion --------------------------------- The first full ICON Skill Level is the equivalent of an 8- HERO skill roll (basic familiarilty only). An ICON Skill Level of 2 is equal to an 11- HERO skill roll (Average Ability), and each full ICON Skill level thereafter is worth +2 to the HERO skill roll. Since ICON Skill specializations are 1/2 the cost of what full skills, each ICON Skill Specialization Level beyond the full skill level is worth a +1 to the HERO skill roll (or, alternately, each ICON -1 gap in a skill is worth -1 to the HERO skill roll). The conversion for D20 is taken from my "Grey Hero" project, and the GURPS conversin from my "Hyborian Hero" project to offer further perspective to the other Dune fans who use the D20 and GURPS systems. -------------- 3.0 TRAITS -------------- ... ------------------------------------------- 4.0 VOCATIONAL PACKAGES & ARCHETYPES(*) ------------------------------------------- - Academic Advisor * Adept (Bene Gesserit) * Assassin * CHOAM Advisor (Master Strategist) - CHOAM Delegate - Concubine - Criminal - Demogogue - Diplomatic Spokesman - Fremen - Guard - Guild Spokesman - House Physician - House Servant - House Trooper - Imperial Planetoligist - Imperial Servant - Interrogator - Judge of the Change - Landsraad Emissary * Master Strategist * Mentat - Merchant * Noble - Personal Confidante - Privateer - Saboteur - Sardaukar Commander - Sardaukar Trooper - Security Commander - Slave Gladiator (Arena Fighter) - Slavemaster - Sleeper Agent - Space Guildsman - Spymaster * Swordmaster * Suk Physician - Tleilaxu - Troubadour - Truthsayer - Umma - Warmaster - Weaponsmaster ------------------------------ 5.0 EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY ------------------------------ ... ------------------ 6.0 REFERENCES ------------------ Herbert, Frank. Dune (1965) Dune Messiah (1969) Children of Dune (1976) God Emperor of Dune (1981) Heretics of Dune (1984) Chapterhouse: Dune (1985) Lynch, David. Dune the Movie (1984). McNelly, Willis E. The Dune Encyclopedia, (1984). Ware, Sean. GURPS DUNE (1997). Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J. Dune: House Atreides (1999) Dune: House Harkonnen (2000) ... Seyler, Owen et al. Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium. Limited Collector's Edition Role-Playing Game. LUG/WotC, (August 2000). Harrison, John. Frank Herbert's Dune: TV Mini-Series, (2000). |
| Hierax | Hero | Star | Dune | |