| Hierax | Hero | House Rules |


Jason Verbitsky


Absolute Characteristic Maxima (ACM)
Real limits for normal humans

Absolute Skill Maxima (ASM)
Characteristics get it, how about skills?

Automatic Hit Advantage (AHA)
Bypass all of a target's DCV

Characteristic Conversion Tables (CCT)
Conversions condensed for easy comparison

Class Level Reference (CLR)
Clear benchmarks by class and level

Higher is Better (HIB)
Reversed Rolling Mechanic

100% Damage Reduction

Martial Arts Maneuvers (MAM)
Full range of 0 to 5+ point maneuvers

Multiple Attack Advantage (MAA)
Attack more than once per phase
Slower Attack Limitation (SAL)
Attacks that take more than one phase

Multipowered Martial Arts (MMA)
Martial arts maneuvers built as multipower slots

Normal Skill Maxima (NSM)
Characteristics get it, how about skills?

Skill Conversion Table (SCT)
Conversions condensed for easy comparison

Unified Resolution Mechanic (URM)
One mechanic to bind them all? An experiment

| Hierax | Hero | House Rules |